FREE read-only access for clients

6 September 2022

Want a software partner who truly supports SMEs? Speak to us.


FREE 8 hours per month read-only Enapps ERP access is now available for our clients. A feature recently added following customer demand.


Every implementation of an ERP system involves differing modules and functionality specific to that business and requires assigned users to access this software. However, regardless of the business size, the majority of our clients share a universal need for additional individuals to occasionally access the software from a read-only point of view.

Each company has certain internal staff members who are not system users, but need insight or access, meaning a company has to either pay for another official user, or ask an existing system user to share information or reports. Not ideal. Similarly, there are a number of common external individuals, such as stakeholders, auditors or legal teams who require data visibility and information, who can now be given access in a controlled, read-only manner, saving time and eliminating burden and inconvenience across a company.

From a security perspective, a business retains data control by selecting the parts of their ERP system these free-of-charge users are able to navigate. Although read-only, this new development has been engineered to allow the user to filter through data to generate a report, or to select the information relevant to them and enables printing.

Enapps recognises the need to empower SMEs, by offering practical solutions and keeping costs low where possible. CEO Vadim Chobanu comments,

When we develop a feature that is fundamental and useful to all business operations, we strive to make these available within our core ERP to the entire Enapps customer community. In the case of making read-only user access free-of-charge, this was important to us to help support our customer base at a time when costs are rising for everyone. The spend for us was minimal in terms of development, but so important for all businesses and as we work mainly with SMEs, we are excited to be able to add such practical value without costing clients any more money’.

Enapps ERP is constantly evolving with upgrades and new developments, often driven by the needs of our highly valued customer network. We recognise a progressive business needs a software partner willing to listen, test and adapt. Many of the most useful features on the Enapps ERP platform begin with a common ERP functionality, that has been evolved through our customer feedback to offer not just a sophisticated solution, but practical, useful capabilities for essential business use day to day.

Always adding value for our customer community


Free features, like the new read-only access, as well as system upgrades are offered to all our clients, relative to the modules within their ERP system, with the aim to constantly evolve the platform to be the latest and best version.

Enapps operate a convenient Saas monthly pricing model, with our team of ERP experts on hand to determine the most appropriate package size per ERP implementation. Each business is different and so it is important each ERP implementation is positioned to accommodate the stage a business is currently at, with flexibility to scale and add features to empower that business as it grows.

The implementation of an ERP system allows a business to manage and automate business processes, enabling efficiencies and savings on both time and costs. We are thrilled to be able to truly extend this beneficial capability to resource outside of internal core Enapps ERP system users, with our new read-only free access.


Ready to unleash limitless business growth?

Talk to the ERP experts on +44 20 8090 9222 or [email protected]